I do think a lot but when it comes to actually implementing those thoughts many a times I am lost and that's what exactly happened this time. From march '07 to Dec '07, I have kept myself busy with my work but somehow there isn't satisfaction with whatever I am doing; not just professionally but personally as well. If someone will ever come to know about achievements in this year, the numbers will be much high; still why the satisfaction is missing ?? Am i over ambitious ?? Am I am a person who doesn't know how to celebreate success ?? Still searching for the answer..
As a person someone should not be carried away by emotions and with me though I can be seen as a tough nut, I am still a ' Mixed Split Personality'. I think a lot and thats what actually starts digging holes for confusions and you find youself in a complex web of thoughts where you as a moron want to just apply your brains everywhere. Why can't I be just normal ?? Relax dude, you are again analysing things, So you lack basics. New year Resolution - " DoN't ThInK beyond persmissible limits :) " , Look I know how to motivate myself :)
Lets talk about things which have happened off late. Well had a third trip to London for my professional assignment, got an appreication in the form of an award for outstanding performance in 2007. What else ? I am in process of loosing good people around :) Rest everything is fine; Slogging work hours, No beer still , No Gals still;
I will be back shortly to throw light on few more facts of complex brain.. Until then please stop reading this shit of blog, it has got no purpose, no thoughts put into it, just wanted to see if my words have not faded over in last 9 months. The best if yet to come .. Over n Out !!