I have just turned 28 in this month and things have still be the same for me. The only thing that has changed from past to the present is that I have learned to manage more idiots with time.
What surprises to many is that in spite of sharing table with loads of people around, I am yet single who is fascinated to adore love stories and at times get into the bottom of them to understand the intensity and hidden mystery.
What surprises to many is that in spite of sharing table with loads of people around, I am yet single who is fascinated to adore love stories and at times get into the bottom of them to understand the intensity and hidden mystery.
What made me write this article ?
Shear Observation prompted me to put an ink on the paper and try and explore the real meaning of - "I hate Luv Stories".
A few days back, I was sitting in CCD all alone at around 11 P.M. and saw a happy couple sitting next to my couch. I didn't want to overhear the conversation but "Jaanu" is one word that always catch my attention. I can't imagine my Wife expressing her "Jaanu" love this publicly :)
The couple looked like a perfect match for each other from 2000 feet view. I got busy in blogging and God knows within 30 minutes of the game, it seemed another relation was on the verge of traditionally and sophisticatedly termed"break-off". I heard the girl saying "I Hate you" and banged her foot and left CCD. The guy kept trying his luck but I think he was a touch late to understand that his meter is down.
30 minutes - 60 expressions and one final ending with - I hate you. Was that the transformation from Love to Hatred - a 30 minute affair ?

I hate luv stories - The very first thought which comes to my mind is every one wants a fairy tale till the time they rain check the reality that its not the fairy tale but the series of episodes they have been handed over in life ; Some sweet some bitter, some make you fly and some make you cry but nevertheless to fall in love, I'd say who doesn't give it a try.
For those who say I hate luv stories that fact that they are considering luv as a belief as a symbol in their mind no matter on what side ,the thought has already rooted somewhere in the cauntious. All it takes is one moment one instance, that one strange second when they happen to feel it even for a short span but they live through that moment ..breathe that moment of belonging to some one else with out expectations, without selfish reasons in the purest of forms that ever existed on earth.
Hate and Luv in one sentence ; one will not survive without the other. Hate would lose its essence if love doesn't exist.
Stories - Every one has a story, a love story. I, you, someone else, infact everyone. Some make it happen some let it go and some live it through with out even realizing that they have a story; for I know people who have loved with all their heart and soul but never told their love to whom it was to be told. Some luv stories are shared by two while some are lived alone but they are still luv stories, Some even die living them, Some dream of having one and some claim to lived once.
Look around, look deep into the eyes of people and you will find their luv story in their eyes in their smile, in their gestures and at times in their hatred.
Your End - I am so much in love with love itself that all my life I have been scared in falling for it.
My End - I just know How to Love. Tried hating it but I could not hate it. Before I conclude, I would say practice love with no expectations so that there is no room for hatred around. By the end of this write up, I have realized - Hatred should not be sitting next to love and hence I have kicked it off. With that I will sign off !!
Morale of the Story - Luv stories should not be hated. Love Stories should be lived forever till the last breath. For people who keep finding flaws in individuals and yet claim to love each other don't know the real meaning of this pure thing. I have been tilted towards love but that someone made me realize that emotions don't have space in love and over possessiveness is just a blanket which should not be worn, questions become conclusions and may be I think it's not meant for me.
Poll - What do you think guys ?
Love or hatred... its all in your mind.
When mind says Love him/her, then your heart will follow that.
And when your mind didn't like something, your mind says to heart hate him.
So my friend, Love stories is nothing but meeting up 2 same thinking minds.
And when minds doesn't think in same direction that causes hatred.
Hope you get my point
Sumant Sapra
Most of us are in love with the idea of love. We have a picture of what love is and how we want our love story to be like and we have sky high expectations of the person we choose to love. Thats probably why the journey from love to hate for some of us is as short as 30 minutes. When the garb of pretenses is removed we do not like what we see.
So I vote in favour of love stores.
Oh I love love stories. You'd say thats obvious what with my being from the female gender! But, I say I love love stories cause they bring hope and a smile to many. They bring to us a promise that tomorrow is going to be filled with red and pink roses and that we all deserve a special someone to pamper us and share life with us.
I believe in love. I believe in loving myself as much, if not more, than a special someone. I love pink. I am in love with the idea of love! :)
I have been reading blogs over years but never came across a blog which talks a common thing in a very uncommon way.
Presumably a great idea of love story. Love story are still fairy tale which fascinates some while other fell it unrealistic. And no doubt it fascinates me as well. I thank the author for such a well written and defined story in realistic manner.
I have been reading blogs over years but never came across a blog which talks a common thing in a very uncommon way.
Presumably a great idea of love story. Love story are still fairy tale which fascinates some while other fell it unrealistic. And no doubt it fascinates me as well. I thank the author for such a well written and defined story in realistic manner.
The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect bollywoodish relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced by media portrayals than we realise.
In my opinion, you have to be in a relationship to decide whether you love it or hate it. Forget stories, but "Real" relationships demand attention and true love requires much more than fireworks.
What I dont understand from your blog is whether you dislike people expressing love publicly or you dislike the fact that it has never happened to you in public? Whatever the case maybe, I can see you in a CCD in the near future with someone murmering "Jaanu, can u get me a hot chocolate plz"... Just wait and watch...
Love is love.. if ur r in love you can’t hate anything… even story… :) yes I do agree Love is life… & if u want to understand life u must fall in love ….uncondition love … u know wht I mean :)
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